Date Night with Destiny
Interview by Rabbit | Photos by Rabbit
yo yo!! wanna do this interview now lol
Hahah cant right now, im running errands
Im heading out to San Diegoooo for the weekend
But can when I get back!
was thinking bout doin it thru text instead of in-person.
lol, whats a good time we can txt for 30 minutes straight?
Im literally running around till like tomorrow am
ok cool. gonna get at you tomorrow afternoonish
3 days later…
ugh im so horrible with my time. got any time today?
Hahaha no worries
what’s a good time for you?
Now is good
“I love where I’m from, I appreciate it, but I knew I wasn’t going to stay there.”

wanna go by Dessie Jackson?
Yes sir! Or just dessie, either way
Whaa, no cool nicknames?? DJ?
my friends from college call me d-dawg. Or destiny
lol any story behind those?
My friend Jesse started calling me d-dawg, and that origin I have no idea, but it stuck with a few hahah
Destiny comes out on the weekends.
Oh yea, you were at a wedding this weekend right? was destiny present?
She was present the night prior, thus being a tad hungover for wedding day hah
ok ima spit fire a bunch of random questions. Lmk if it gets weird, not that i’ll stop
Hahahahha okay! Im ready!!!
favorite spice girl?
Why her?
when I was little me and my neighbor would play spice girls. She was a little bossy and always pretended to be baby, and she assigned me sporty.
so I tried to align with her when I was younger. Haha I dont know if shes a fan favorite, I feel like shes underrated
What music did you listen to today?
Sza and alina baraz
omg is there a new alina album? im a dinosaur
yesss The color of you
favorite disney movie?
Oh man. Let me think.
Probably pocahontas or the little mermaid
If you HAD to, which of them would you throw over a cliff lol
HAHAHA, what character?
Little mermaid.
there’s no water, she wouldnt survive. Final answer?
I don’t think pocahontas would survive either… either way I think we are looking at a lose lose situation. This is survival of the fittest baby

im just droppin this here

“Be kind and listen! I think that’s the best thing you can do no matter what.”
ok, i should actually ask you questions about art right?
i’m game for it all
how did you get into art? did you start with disney princesses? 👸
Sort of actually — I would draw girls, characters, I would copy Lisa frank, and different how-to-draw manga books.
I’d draw fairies and make comics with the characters
when do you think that evolved into something more serious?
Hmmm, probably just going to art classes in school. I loved copying photos – particularly out of magazines.
Started taking it more seriously, taking more advanced classes in high school, and took some local college courses. I went on to get my BFA in painting at Tyler (Temple)
You’re from Lancaster PA right?
Yes sir.
how’d you go from a small town to Philly then to LA?
college got me out of lancaster then I stayed post-graduation. I love philly so much.
I moved to New York for about a year, and then I went to LA. Been in LA for 2 years now
I love where im from, I appreciate it, but I knew I wasn’t going to stay there.
What are some things you miss about home?
Home as in lancaster or home as in philly 😂
lol, i guess philly
cuz there’s nothing in lancaster lol
I miss the sense of pride and community.
so true
Sidebar, did you see the Sixers playoff win?
Didn’t watch… I was painting, but I watched the highlights and locker room speech, and of course meek
Its a good day for philly
back to random q
hahaha. These are fun!
what you eat today?
I ate a breakfast wrap from republic of pie in north hollywood and made a salad for dinner.
Cold brew, water, wine.
Being fake healthy right?
There was ranch on that breakfast wrap + bacon. So yes
bacon?! philly has a permanent ban on swine. your peeps wont like that
I know hahahahha
I dont seek it out… but I also def dont remove it

favorite dinner spot in la?
Maccheroni republic (Dont everybody show up there all at once, they dont take reservations)
lol sounds fancy
Its Italian and byob
byow* ? hah
i love byob. is that a cool date spot? asking for a friend
yes. 100% a date spot
anyone take you there yet?
Yes hahah
so besides bringing you there, what else are fun date activities
ooo Lala, hmmmm, I like grabbing drinks somewhere. I’m a simple gal. I think good conversation and a drink is all I look for. Being outside = bonus points.
so $10 dates are a big yes lol
Hahahahha I don’t think they need a price tag.
what are some big NOs
I think movies for the first date is a big no.
I feel like you have a long list
how bout 3 NOs
okay – 1. No movie on the first date, its awkward and you just sit next to the person for 2 hours. its like middle school (and not in a good way) 2. Obviously, a date does not guarantee any sort of advancement, so being pushy is nonoono good. 3. Don’t be late.
pretty simple
I think so!
Be kind and listen! I think that’s the best thing you can do no matter what.
ugh, we HATE listening
jk, sorta
So what are you working on now? Im listening
I’m working on a new painting.
what’s it about 👀? or super secret stuff
Im using personal reference photos that I took when I was around 12-14 years old.
Which is exciting
are they all subject based or random?
They are pretty specific. But thats all I’m gonnnnna say
haha ok. are these for an upcoming show?
cant wait to see them
Thank you! (Me too) haha
so your previous work i saw focused mainly on women. any reason why you exclude us men 😔
i kid. why women?
What I want to show isn’t about self-identifying men. my story I want to tell isn’t there.
Its exploring identity, femininity, and sexuality through a lens in which I know
Not saying that wont change…
But right now I’m still swimming up that stream
Im sure your work inspires a lot of women. Any stories that made you proud of the work you’re doing?
I love receiving messages about work that has resonated with people. Or inspires them to make something.
That makes my day/week/etc. that people care about what I make
It gives me the confidence to keep sharing my work.
well im excited to see what you come up with next
Ok, think i took up all your time lol
Did i miss anything, im not really good at this interview thing lol
hahahah. I think it was great!
Thx for letting me tell corny jokes for an hour.
hahahahaha Thank YOU
Ok cool. Shoot me any links i should share.